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About Megan . . .

"I wish

I could show you when

you are lonely or in darkness

 the astonishing light of your own being."


I have lived my entire life in West Virginia and was raised by two deeply spiritual parents who planted the seed for my desire to promote love and compassion in the world. I earned a BS in Education and later an MA in Counseling and worked in Kanawha County Schools as both a teacher and school counselor for 20 years which enabled me the privilege to be involved in the lives of so many amazing educators, children, and families. 


Along the way I began attending a church which promoted contemplative living and thus began my personal contemplative journey.  I attended groups and retreats that deepened my contemplative experience and have met with a spiritual director myself for many years. Meditation through walking the labyrinth, time in nature and in silence, lectio divina, SoulCollage® cards, and more helped me to build the foundation for a more contemplative life. 


In an effort to share those life-changing experiences with others, I started leading spiritual direction groups and offering quiet day retreats and contemplative classes.  Over time I felt called to create a spiritual center in my community to encourage a deeper connection to the Divine.  This vision finally manifested itself as my business, Inner Path.


I earned my certification as a spiritual director from a two-year program through Haden Institute in North Carolina where I now serve on the staff as a mentor.  Also, I am a certified mindfulness teacher, a trained SoulCollage® facilitator, a trained EFT (Tapping) practitioner and trainer, a Veriditas trained labyrinth facilitator, and a member of Spiritual Directors International.  

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